Starting ModelingEvolution - A New Paradigm in Software Development

In the era of A.I. it's ridiculous to charge by hour. How would you make sure that your service provider is using top A.I. tools to drop down the cost? Our mission is to make software product development a commodity:

  • Desired design that makes an impact.

  • Flexible & fixed-priced payment.

This is what we call Agile!

How is that possible?

  • We are the experts in the most effective workshops through which desired design and impacts are aligned. (#ImpactMapping, #EventStorming, #EventModeling, #CustomerJourney)

  • Specialized in making software development repeatable we leverage the power of LLM and A.I.

We understand the critical importance of managing costs. Hence, we work closely with our clients to ensure that we deliver impactful software solutions cost-effectively and without compromising code quality. To understand how we achieve this, you can read more about our unique fixed-cost methodology in our Resources.

Our Values:




aren't just words. They are the principles that guide us in each project we undertake, driving us to exceed your expectations at every stage of the process.

Whether you're planning to bring a new software application to life or seeking to enhance an existing system, we're here to help. Let our team at ModelingEvolution transform your vision into a reality that surpasses expectations.

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Let's Bust Myths About Event Modeling, Storming, CQRS, and Event Sourcing Together in 20min.