Outsource with a Trusted Partner

When we outsource a more complex part of the system, discovery & alignment become more critical. The job ahead of us requires more trust, and we will involve you in convenient discovery workshops. Their purpose is simple: align all the parties in areas:

  • business value,

  • usability,

  • feasibility,

  • viability.

More on the workshop you can find here.


As a Trusted Partner, we make the costs must be very transparent. They will consist of 2 parts:

  • Flexible, hourly-based costs related to discovery work (all the workshops), with our Tech Lead and UX Designer.

  • Fixed costs of Delivery (design, implementation, testing, deployment)

How are delivery costs transparent?

Delivery cost estimation is based on #Event Modeling, a modeling technique that allows the business person to estimate the aggregated costs of any app's implementation/design/testing/deployment. You can read more on the matter here. However, you don't need to. Instead, schedule a free workshop, and we will show you how easy & simple yet powerful it is to model software with us.


Technology specialization is underrated. Delivery needs to be repetitive & predictable. Thus We are highly specialized:

  • With .net we can run our solutions on any platform: web, mobile, Linux, windows, ios, android, or IoT.

  • With CQRS and EventSourcing, we can:

    • easily get insights into the system, assert if it is used the way we expected (more on that here)

    • easily delete legacy parts of systems, making complexity & cost drop through the development (usually, it is the opposite). (More on that here)

  • with Material Design & Technology, we build an excellent User Experience. (f.e. you will never need to refresh our pages.)

Modeling Techniques

Alignment & effective communication is at the heart of our company. Hence the name: Modeling Evolution. We are specialized in modeling techniques. All our Engineers not only know them but can facilitate & use them in practice. When we hire, these are the first thing we teach.

Check out some:

This is our toolbelt used in ultra-effective communication with You. We won't waste your time. Never, period.


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Let's Bust Myths About Event Modeling, Storming, CQRS, and Event Sourcing Together in 20min.